Life & Style Coaching
I am a Spirit led and licensed life coach. I give women a safe space to process what freedom looks like and the tools to help you live out your identity + fine tune your priorities, so that you can have clarity to move forward with confidence.

What people are saying?
Recently, I completed life coaching with Denita. The timing could not have been more perfect. I had recently started a new business venture and was not seeing the personal success I desired. I was devouring self help books, listening to mindset podcasts, and doing all the things that were supposed to lead to personal development. But I was stuck in the same narrative of self doubt and insecurity. I believe Denita was an answered prayer. My sessions with her helped reframe my thoughts, gain fresh perspective, and gave me personalized practical tools that I had not found in the books, podcasts and mentors I had previously sought out. Because of Denita's coaching, I discovered the power I had within me to change. I have continued to revisit the notes I took during our sessions. I am thankful for Denita's gift of insight and encouragement because she helped me get past some spiritual and emotional roadblocks. Her coaching continues to spur me on to pursue my purpose.
- Debi
Louisville, KY
Coaching, I thought, was something far outside my comfort zone. After almost 10 years of full-time ministry, I was in a season of feeling stuck and overwhelmed. I reluctantly reached out to Denita, and after our first conversation felt such a peace about moving forward with 6 weeks of coaching. Denita gave me practical ways to actively get unstuck in this season, and she helped me to look at things one step at a time and make a plan. Most of all, she reminded me of the importance of who God has called me to be and what that looks like in all seasons of life and ministry. Everyone could benefit from coaching...no matter your season, whether you are in ministry, the corporate world, being a mom to sweet littles, or if you aren't sure what's next. This was an invaluable experience, and God used Denita in such an impactful way in my life!
- Anna
Louisville, KY